Radio Tele Taxi Alicante+34965252511
RENFE-FEVE (Trains) of Alicante +34965262731 Bus Station - Urban buses of Alicante +34965130700 National Traffic Office 900123505 Provincial Traffic Headquarters +34965125355 Civil Guard Traffic+34965242702
Emergency phones Any emergency (anywhere) 112 National police 091 / +34965148888 Local police Alicante 092 / +34965107200 Civil Guard 062 / +34965921100 Civil Protection of Alicante 112 / +34965211139 Red Cross Alicante +34915222222 InfoHealth Medical Emergencies 900161161 Ambulances Alicante 965 25 25 25 Firefighters Alicante 965 98 22 22 Vehicle Storage (crane) Alicante 965 11 28 91 Maritime Rescue 900 20 22 02 Help on the Road 91 742 12 13 Bank cards phones 4 B - VISA Electron - Master Card - VISA 902114400 / 913626200 Dinner's Club 902401112 Servired (VISA-VISA Electron-Master Card) 902192100 American Express 902375637 Red 6000 915965335Download your private guide!
My best! We always have fun in summer there!
Great accommodation in Alicante! Clean, great design, centric and comfortable.
Traditional Spanish village, steep in history.
absolutely incredible!! Amazing!
We loved it!! the river is very small but nice :)
It's just amazing. I have no words to describe it.
Great experience visiting the museum!
very noisy stay in All ways of saying.I would never revisit again.
The thing I liked most about the hotel is the hotel staff especially the reception staff with their warm we...
Love this quiet place!!