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Castillo de Biar

Castillo de Biar

The Castle of Biar dates from the 12th century. It is included in the route of the Vinalopó castles, is one of the great attractions of Biar, declared a National Monument in 1931, nowadays BIC, it has an Almohad vault dating from the 12th century. Around a central patio the interior of the castle was organized, being arranged a whole series of dependencies destined to assure the defense as well as to give shelter and service to the warden, his family and the garrison. In the 15th century, the surveillance room or guardhouse is described; the house of fora, used as haystack; the palau nou that housed the warden's family; the rebost or storeroom to store provisions; the cuina or kitchen with its large fireplace; the house of forns or oven; the stable; the capella or church under the invocation of Santa María Magdalena and Santa Quiteria; dining room. All this chaired by the so-called Master Tower used to store the arms and accoutrements of the castle. These units, roofed by roofs with curved tile water, would allow rainwater to be collected for storage in the cistern excavated in the rock that is still preserved. After the Christian conquest of Biar by Jaime I in February of 1245, the castle maintained a great importance in the defensive system of the Valencian southern border, given the outstanding strategic situation from the political and military point of view of Biar against the kingdom of Castile . The castle of Biar, was declared a National Monument on June 4, 1931. It is located on a rocky hill at 750 m altitude, is of Muslim origin and is located chronologically in the mid-twelfth century. Its structure, which is maintained, retains a double walled enclosure, and crenellated with its corresponding passage, with four cubes on the outside and three inside, arranged around the large Maestra or Tribute Tower, free, square plan and three floors. The tower, 19 meters high, is built with lime mortar and sand, (tapial), inside retains the oldest example, in vaults of Almohad style. It was conquered by King Jaime l the Conqueror in the month of February of 1245 after a siege that lasted six months, in this assault was used the "Fonevol," war machine for the throwing of stones. His last Warden according to the Llibre D'els Fets, was MUZA-ALMORABIT. Schedule: Wednesday Friday: 10:15 a.m. to 2:00 p.m .; 4:15 to 6:30 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays: 10:15 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. It opens on Mondays for groups by appointment. € 1 Adults and children from 6 years old.

Castillo de Biar
Spain Monuments

Explanada del Castillo, s/n, 03410 Biar, Alicante, España

Telephone: +34 965 81 11 77
Website: Visit the website
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